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Save the date for the 2023 Star Count

CPRE Norfolk
By CPRE Norfolk

Save the date and sign up to count the stars with us between 17 and 24 February!

Star-filled skies are one of the most magical sights our countryside has to offer. But sadly, light pollution is leaving fewer stars than ever visible to the naked eye.

That’s why we need your help to track how light levels are changing. You can now sign up to take part in our Star Count, which is taking place 17-24 February.

Each year, the results from Star Count help us create a map of the nation’s view of the night sky and monitor the impact of light pollution across the country. Together we can work towards rewilding the night for the benefit of people and wildlife – we hope you’ll join us!

Sign up now

Your counts will help us make a map of where star-spotters are enjoying deep, dark skies.

By showing on a map where light pollution is most serious, we can work with local councils and others to decide what to do about it.

Last year, thousands of you took part and we hope you’ll join us again this year!

Father and children looking up at the night sky counting stars
Abigail Oliver