Tickets released for our Annual Lecture – Wild Children – Wilder Norfolk
Join us on Thursday 26th May 2022 for CPRE Norfolk’s Annual Lecture ‘Wild Children – Wilder Norfolk’ – a fascinating talk by author, journalist & President of Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Patrick Barkham.
This exciting lecture will be held at Dereham Memorial Hall and follows the CPRE Norfolk AGM at 5:30pm.
We know that being outside makes us happy and keeps us well. And yet today’s children spend less time outdoors than prisoners. How can we fix this?
Patrick Barkham will draw on his own experiences as a parent and as a forest school volunteer to explore the relationship between children and nature. No matter who we are, or where we live, we can still find joy and wonder in the neighbourhood nature that surrounds us. And wilder children could be the key to creating a wilder, greener, happier Norfolk.
There will be time after the lecture for questions from the audience.
Patrick Barkham is an award-winning author and the Guardian’s Natural History Writer. His books include The Butterfly Isles, Badgerlands, Coastlines, Islander and Wild Child. He has edited an anthology of British nature writing, The Wild Isles, and is currently writing a biography of Roger Deakin as well as being the President of Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
He was born and raised near Reepham and now lives in Hoveton with his family.
Tickets for this exciting and informative event are FREE but must be booked in advance using the button below.