Hedgelife Help Out
Could you help us build a nationwide picture of how healthy our hedgerows are? Join in with our Hedgelife Help Out between 1 and 31 May and show your support for these important homes for nature.
About Hedgelife Help Out
Hedgerows are the vital stitching in the patchwork of our countryside. Not only are they beautiful, with shifting seasonal colours, but they also provide homes and corridors for wildlife. And all the while they help tackle the climate crisis by capturing carbon.
Hedgelife Help Out involves you checking on a hedgerow local to you (or one you can visit). It will help us get a picture of the state of our hedgerow network and, we hope, make you want to find out more about hedgerows.
Taking part in Hedgelife Help Out is simple. Just find a hedgerow near you, and fill in a short online form answering a few simple questions. You can also use our rough guide around the hedges to help you!
Found a hedge? Send us your results
Alternatively you can fill in a PDF of the form and send it back to us. Download the PDF here.
Your results matter! We will use the information you gather to build up a picture of hedgerows around the country. It’ll help show how diverse our hedgerows are and how they make countryside and urban places more beautiful.

How to take part
Taking part in Hedgelife Help Out We’d will help us get a picture of the state of our hedgerow network and, we hope, make you want to find out more about hedgerows.
All you need to do is find a short piece of hedge – between 3 and 5 metres will do – and answer a few short questions that we’ve put together with the help of our friends at the Tree Council.
Submit your Hedgelife Help Out results now
Make sure you are allowed to access the land when looking at hedgerows and take care near roads, ditches, animals, watercourses and spiky hedgerows! But do take time to stand and stare, listen and see what scents are drifting on the air.
Once you’ve finished, you’ll be able to submit your results. We’ll use the data to get a better idea of the health of our hedgerow network, and you’ll be doing your bit to help the unsung heroes of the countryside!