National Hedgerow Week is here
Amid all the chaos in the news right now, it might be hard to get some peace of mind, to remember just why we care about the countryside so much. Why CPRE are here in the first place.
One of those reasons is everywhere around us – lining our country lanes and city pavements. Hedgerows are the patchwork quilt of our landscape, and Hedgerow week is all about celebrating them.
This week, we and our partners will be highlighting the value of our bushy brothers and sisters for wildlife, for the climate, and for the landscapes we know and hold so dear.
And let’s not beat around the bush – hedgerows are in trouble. We’ve lost half of them since the Second World War, and we desperately need the government to legislate a target that reverses this trend – to kickstart the planting and restoring of hedgerows up and down the country.
That’s why this week will culminate in the hand-in of our hedgerow petition to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. We’ve already hit our target of over 40,000 signatures, and with your help we can reach the next milestone.
Thanks for everything you’ve done to support our hedgerows so far. Do read on to find out more about what this week has to offer.
What is a hedge?

Discover more about hedgerows and how you can help them.
Written by CPRE Norfolk trustee Sandra Walmsey.
Hedgerow petition hand-in

Our main event of this week is the hand-in of the hedgerow petition outside Defra on Monday morning. Thanks to an incredible level of support, we’ve hit our target of over 40,000 people calling for a hedgerow target in law, but we’re not far off our next milestone.
Can you add your name this week?
Discover your local hedgerow wildlife this autumn

Nature spotting is always fun, but have you ever just looked closer to home?
You don’t need to travel to a wildlife reserve to find beauty – hedgerows are bustling with life, and autumn is a great time to head out and explore.
Look around and you’ll find berries and nuts aplenty; bats and birds swooping across hedge lines, and small mammals gathering nesting materials and food. This week, check out our spotters guide to your local hedgerow.