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Norwich to Tilbury (formerly known as East Anglia GREEN) is a proposed new electricity transmission route planned by the National Grid.

The suggestion is for it to consist of new overhead power lines running between pylons, along a separate corridor to the already existing line of overhead cables and pylons just to the east of the proposed new route. Where it crosses the Dedham Vale AONB, underground cabling is being proposed.

CPRE Norfolk believes that underground cabling or offshore grid connections should be used for any new National Grid transmission lines. This would help to ensure less harmful long-term impacts for residents, the environment, settings of heritage assets, tranquillity, and the countryside.

In addition, it is vital that strategies are introduced urgently to reduce electricity usage where possible, for example through better design and use of insulation in new development, and for retro-fitting of existing housing.

Read the full statement for more information.

Updated November 2024

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Norwich to Tilbury - CPRE Norfolk Statement

Added 28 November 2024
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