CPRE Norfolk Light Pollution Conference
Excessive night-time lighting on roads, commercial buildings, schools and residential properties leads to increased carbon emissions and higher energy bills, while damaging our view of Norfolk’s spectacular night skies.
But light pollution is a problem that can be solved, and anyone making decisions on external lighting found how this could be achieved at a CPRE Norfolk conference at the University of East Anglia on Wednesday 10 June 2015.
The conference was attended by lighting engineers, lighting manufacturers, astronomers, policy makers, landscape specialists, Norfolk Constabulary, as well as representatives from parish, district and county councils.
Bob Mizon from the British Astronomical Association’s Campaign for Dark Skies gave the keynote speech and an afternoon panel of local lighting decision makers debated issues around crime, lighting design, part-night switch offs, developments in LED technology and parish council initiatives.
Links to the presentations from the main speakers can be found below.
Bob Mizon
British Astronomical Association
Protect The Night: Light Pollution and Dark Skies
(Powerpoint presentation, .ppt format)
Emma Marrington
Senior Rural Policy Campaigner, CPRE
Shedding Light: Local Authority Approaches to Lighting in England
(Powerpoint presentation, .pptx format)
David Hook
Light Pollution Campaign Co-ordinator, CPRE Norfolk
Protecting Dark Landscapes: Case Studies of Local Best Practice
(Powerpoint presentation, .pptx format)
Matt Worden
Norfolk County Council
(Powerpoint presentation, .ppt format)
Peter Braybrook
North Elmham Parish Council
(PDF document)