Energy and resources – more efficiency and less waste
We waste vast amounts of energy through inefficient buildings, costing us all money. Long commutes are a waste of fuel and our own time.
All this adds to pollution and long term damage to the environment, as well as increasing our stress levels.
It is vital to protect our resources such as water and reduce pollution from our cars and buildings. We also need to address an energy gap. After all, we are forecast an energy shortage within the next 10 years, which is something that cannot be solved by the nuclear industry.
Norfolk is a leader in the production of green energy.
We have been learning lessons about where energy production can be sited so it is integrated into landscapes and avoids damage to communities.
Do you agree that we should:
- Only build A+ energy efficient houses and invest with a grants and loans system to enable all our buildings to become more efficient and cheaper to run?
- Encourage energy companies and communities to work together with government support to increase production and develop new ways to harness the power of the environment around us?
- Make the balanced use of water resources a very high priority?