Climate emergency

Climate change poses a great threat and CPRE Norfolk supports de-carbonising energy production through increasing the supply of renewable energy.
However, this should not be achieved at the expense of the countryside. With good planning and sensible decision making it is possible to deliver a mix of renewable energy solutions of the right scale and in the right locations.
The countryside can provide many of the solutions. CPRE promotes planting more trees and hedgerows, taking better care of our soils and restoring peatlands. These actually suck carbon from the air and store it in the ground.
Life at the Edge - CPRE Norfolk's Annual Lecture 2021
A fascinating talk on climate change from Asher Minns, Director of the Norwich Tyndall Centre for CPRE Norfolk's Annual Lecture.
Asher discusses what challenges lie ahead as we emerge from coronavirus restrictions to face up to what must be done to tackle climate change.
Recorded in May 2021